current version 06              @(õ õ)@
released 9/5/1997                 (Y)                  [ MINICOM TUTORIAL ]
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     If you're trying to establish a PPP connection with your internet
service provider (ISP), then Minicom may be of interest to you. The
latest version of Minicom (version 2.00.0 at the time of this writing) is
available for download at  For a
more comprehensive look at Minicom visit the web site and
read the PPP Over Minicom how-to.

     This tutorial only discusses how to install Minicom 2.00.0.  To use
it, you'll have to install pppd (review PPP tutorial) and configure your
modem (review modem set up tutorial).  I'll update this tutorial as soon
as I figure out how to establish a PPP connection to my ISP.

     Unpack the minicom-2.00.00.tar.gz source code file like you would
any other Monkey software package (review software packages tutorial).
Follow these directions to compile and install Minicom:

     cd /minicom-2.00.0    CHANGE TO SOURCE CODE DIRECTORY
     sh ./configure        CONFIGURE MINICOM IN BOURNE SHELL
     make                  COMPILE MINICOM SOURCE CODE
     make check            RUN SELF-TESTS
     make install          INSTALL MINICOM BINARY
     make clean            REMOVE MINICOM OBJECT FILES
     make distclean        REMOVE FILES CONFIGURE CREATED

     Minicom is now installed in the /usr/local/bin directory.  Issue the
'minicom' command to start Minicom.  Press 'Ctrl+A' then 'Z' to display
the help menu.  If hard disk space is an issue, then delete the Minicom
source code directory with the 'rm -R minicom-2.00.0' command.

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